Friday, April 24, 2009

SAN Haiku.

In speaking with some of my co-workers I said something that has been turned into a storage Haiku. It is below.

Just like a forest
Storage is an Eco-system
having many parts!

This helped us to concentrate on the full "holistic" design of a project and not focus on a speeds and feeds discussion. To have a fully functional Eco-system is tough. Everything has to be working properly or things get all mucked up. In storage design this includes Disk, Frame, Connection method, Connection topology, Host configuration, Frame configuration, and many more.

In essence don't just take it a face value that this one component or "TREE" performs well. It might be good but if all the other "TREES" are Douglas Firs that Giant Sequoia is going to be so out of place. It will also topple due to the differences in it's root system, because nothing will be there to support it. Tap Roots vs Interlocking Roots.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Isn't eco-system 4 syllables, creating 8 syllables on line 2 and therefore not a Haiku.??.??

Either way good stuff