Monday, June 21, 2010

Community Virtualization Lab and stuff.

I know that this idea is in beta for some folks right now. But I would like to see this happen since I know not everyone can afford a nice hardware set for a LAB.

Below is a snippet from my Linkedin discussion post.

Would any of you fellow VCP'ers be interested in a community Lab that is managed by certified VCPs that is provided at no cost?

This lab would be partially funded by clients obtaining VMware, Storage, and general IT advice at no charge to them. The "payment" would be a contribution to the vLAB. It could be storage/servers/network etc. Please let me know your thoughts. I am in the process of setting up the website for it. <- If you are UBAR with HTML and/or Flash let me know if you can help with the page since I am junk at it :).

At this time the gear I am planning for installation into the lab is below:

Newer Stuff:
2TB iSCSI RAID array on the vSphere 4 HCL. (Qnap 839-pro)
Whitebox Dual opteron dual-core with Ultra 320 SCSI local storage.
3Com 5500G - EI 48 port gigabit switch
ASA 5505

Older stuff:  :[ older single core XEON's MEH...
Dell Poweredge 2850 - Dual proc 6GB Ram and
IBM x442 - 32GB ... Quad Xeon Box

Want to donate or assist in the project? Let me know here by commenting.

I will get a page and an email set for the community vLab stuff soon.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

A Note to management when dealing with High-End talent or the "SPARK".

Ok. A little background on this.

First, I have always been a big proponent of the upper layers of management being able to recognize talent and retain it by giving both the challenge and reward programs. Many SPARKs want and need the challenge of complex work to be happy with the occupation that they perform. Also there is a need to reward SPARKs for the work that they perform.


If a SPARK works over 35 hours in 2 days and provides a solution to a client under budget and on-time or close to on-time. What do you do? Do you say "thanks" and then give the SPARK the "wink" and and a pat on the back? If so you probably just lost one of your best employees!

WHY? I said "thanks". Then I gave the person a small gift. Isn't that enough?

Probably no!

That SPARK that delivered that Item to the customer in good time and working massive hours isn't interested in a $25 Barnes-and-Noble gift card. Come on this person just made you look like ATLAS to your customer. As a manager or owner you are going to retain that customer and the relationship just got stronger. As an owner yeah this person put a ton of hours in ... but as an owner you didn't have to draw the project out and your overall profit is higher. Any SPARK worth their respective salt knows what they did, how it impacts the client, and how the benefits are gained by owners and managers. Most SPARKs want a piece of that action. The challenge was to perform the work and provide the value. The reward should be input into the business model and how people are treated in order to properly retain and benefit them.

So many times I hear that when a SPARK (or very talented and intelligent person) leaves an organization the owners and managers do some of the MOST STUPID and IDIOTIC things to that person. It's insane.

I have one thing to say on it : LOSE GRACEFULLY!!!! It's nuts to think that you can maintain SPARKs forever! SPARKS need new challenges and rewards to continue to thrive and grow. So many "old-style" thinkers get so little of what motivates people and SPARKs it's crazy. These same "old-school" thinkers believe that grinding someone into the ground and smashing them when they leave gets you something.

The only thing that you get is a BAD name! A VERY BAD name!

Involve a SPARK in planning, in business direction, and in the rewards you give them. If as a manager/owner you pulled a SPARK in and said that you wanted some help on determining what to reward them with you'll get a BIG answer ... possibly one that is WAY more than your planned spend. Don't be afraid tell them the limitation and then give them a path to get the reward. Just don't make the path impossible.

Either way this is too long already. Let me know if you have any questions. Let's have an open discussion about management! :) Then we can let them read it and see if they get it yet.


Monday, June 14, 2010

vSphere 4 Update 2.

This has been released and it fixes some nice items.

It also makes sticky the pervasive NMP RR IOPs = 1 setting if you are using that at the moment. So that means the setting will stay persistent between ESX Host reboots. Which is nice so that you don't have to remember.

You can grab vSphere 4 Update 2 Here : LINKZORED

Also please be aware that there is a issue with the .NET patch (KB908773) which could cause some issues if you are running any Sphere Client prior to vSphere 4 Update 1.

Here is a link to the KB Article : ZOMG Fix my Client :)