Monday, November 3, 2008

Oi what happened to my last one? :)

Starting the blog up again. The last one got deleted due to "lack of use". Oh well it could be worse right :).

A little about me, I am a IT professional in Michigan (the only state with a perma-recession :) ). I have worked for small companies and large companies. I hold a number of industry certifications. My focus is on Technologies from Cisco, Microsoft, VMware, and EMC.

I enjoy building computers and servers. You know the true uber-geek of long ago. I have 25 years of public speaking experience and truly enjoy speaking with an audience. I was one of the original leaders that brought the West Michigan Cisco Users Group into existence. (

My plan is to use this space to show people what I have learned and obtain feedback on how to better initiate change in an organization. The change that I will focus on is the type that benefits a company in either cost, productivity, or another percieved value.

Are you an IT professional that thinks about the same thing or shares similiar ideals? Please feel free to hit me up on .

Talk to you soon.



Njo said...

Exciting and love the blog name. I will make sure to follow this so I can see what you are up to :-)
Happy Blogging.

Craig L. Chapman said...

Thanks Njo. I'll do my best to be all up-to-date and such :).